Free Gift!

Advertising is one of the method to increase the brand awareness, which there are companies will reveal to the target customers that there is an alternative option to promote their brand and products. To gain the interest of the customers, it requires to create a campaign to attract the target customers and motivate them to purchase the products. To generate awareness of the brand, there must be a campaign to represent the brand or the product. The campaign needs to be a tagline or slogan to capture target audience’s interests and to create word of mouth.

Young generations are the easiest group to target and to generate interest of the brand or the products. They rely on their electronic devices and spend most of their time on their mobile phone, especially on applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. From those mobile applications, advertisements of the will be through mobile marketing. Instagram and Facebook are electronic platforms where the company can update their information and post the current events for their followers.

To increase the number of followers, all the advertisements are require to make the campaign to become viral in the public. One of the best advertisement to increase the brand awareness, it involves a call to action by getting customer to participate or interact with the advertising, this method is call Guerrilla Advertising. At the beginning of the October, Pictionary use this type of advertising in the mall to generate customers’ interest and to increase the brand awareness. Pictionary used digital billboard in the mall to attract customers to enhance experience with their products. The major concept is to gather customers to get to know the product and understand their campaign – “Anytime is Game Time”. In the mall, people may not expect to have fun and share a good time with other people that are shopping.

But what is the impact of this advertisement? Is the video on Youtube to increase viewers to know about the Pictionary and how viral it may become the essential part of the marketing plan. After 6 weeks, the video has 1.05 millions viewed which I think Pictionary has succeed on their advertisement.

I have never participated to any Guerrilla advertisement, but I have seen lots of video on YouTube, which I think there are not many Guerrilla advertising in Vancouver. Have you ever participate to any Guerrilla advertisement? I would like to stop and to play Pictionary with a digital billboard, because it is better than playing on the mobile phone.


4 thoughts on “Free Gift!

  1. Great post! I have not seen or heard of this Pictionary advertisement campaign but I think this was a great move by the company to get people interacting with one another and of course create that buzz about the product. Pictionary has been around for so long, that I think many people with todays technology forget how fun it is to play games with family and interact in person instead of sitting and playing games on their phones. When I was in Whistler a couple years ago I came across the Hug Me Coke Campaign. This was fun to watch because their were a couple Coke vending machines lined up beside one another and people would come up to it, hug it and a free coke would come out. Their idea was to simply spread ‘Happiness” which is part of their “Open Happiness” marketing campaign. It seemed to work, since people were laughing and taking pictures with it. Im sure it did very well on the social media platforms with people taking pictures and posting them on Facebook and Instagram. It would generate a buzz and would result in others wanting to find this vending machine. I think it was some sort of interactive Guerrilla advertising, and was beneficial for Coke to use!


    1. I heard that Hug Me Coke campaign before, but I haven’t watch the video clip until you mention it. Coca Cola does have many good Guerrilla advertising campaigns, especially the advertisements in Asia. A year ago, Coca-Cola in Korea had placed vending machine in the mall. They used 3D graphics of Korean pop stars to attract customers, the concept was to invite consumers to participated a dance with the pop stars and to enjoy the fun times with superstar. After the dance, the vending machine will give a bottle of coke to the participators. During the campaign, there are lots of people posted pictures, videos and comments of this advertisement through the digital social networks. Coke dance vending machine in South Korea.


  2. To be cliché, you’ve really hit the nail on the head here. Gen-y and millennials are an advertising teams dream. They immediately latch onto anything digital. Everyone knows that women are no longer the majority holder of purchasing power in the house. Kids, kinds have more of an impact now than ever before. Mom and Dad are generally busy, running their businesses, or taking care of the kids. Meanwhile, their kids are on their smart phones, laptops, tablets, TV’s, and at all times, are privy to advertisements. Whether they are on their Facebook chatting with friends, viewing pictures from last weekend’s events, or playing a new online game, they are bombarded with sponsored or paid advertisements which so often offer something free or discounted with purchase. Next, they turn to mom and dad who, of course, have the oh-so magical credit card of all power!

    I think engaging in interactive games are a great way to entice people. We love to be excited, I for one would play in an instant. If there’s one thing in life that I know will be forever my own, it is my experiences and how I remember them.


  3. What a great post, Mike! As I read the article, I enjoyed looking at the images you used to present your topic. However, I was still having trouble understanding what you meant by Guerrilla Advertising. That quickly changed when I clicked on the video. What an incredible idea and an exciting way to advertise. This was an ingenious strategy on the part of Pictionary. What really brought the point home was the mall billboard. Not only was it socially interactive, it had the added “Wow” element that a traditional ad typically overlooks. The “Anytime is Game Time” seemed to bring strangers together and add excitement to their holiday shopping. Pictionary’s “call to action” strategy is one of the most innovative techniques I have seen. The gifts were also out of the ordinary. While the game was a “no brainer,” the oversized teddy and the marching band were definite crowd pleasers. As branding becomes more technical and competitive, it is encouraging to see a company that really gives their product an edge.


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